发表作品2020-4-2 11:24:58 |
1. 黄育飞,王战民,曹喜营,等.耐火浇注料爆裂理论研究及应用实践.中国有色冶金,2019,47(4): 1-4 2. 陈建军,王战民,曹喜营,等.刚玉质低水泥浇注料气孔结构参数与透气度的关系研究.耐火材料,2018, 52(2): 114-117 3. Zhanmin Wang, Sanhua Zhang, Shuhe Hu, et al. Study on Hot Aluminum Resistance of Al2O3-SiO2 Castables with Different Al2O3 Contents, Proceedings of UNITECR, Santiago, Chile, 2017, Sept. 26-29, 588-591 4. 鲁志强,王战民,耿可明,等.侵蚀温度和煤渣脱碳对高铬材料抗侵蚀性的影响.耐火材料,2017, 51(1): 5-9 5. 刘岩,王战民,曹喜营,等.致密耐火浇注料单面加热过程内部应力的研究.耐火材料,2016, 50(1): 16-19 6. Zhanmin Wang, Jin Zhao, Xiying Cao, et al. Study on Mechanism of Explosive Spalling of ULC Castables During Rapid Drying, Proceedings of UNITECR, Vienna, Austria, 2015, Sept. 15-18 7. 王战民,赵谨,曹喜营,等.致密耐火浇注料快速烘烤致爆裂研究.硅酸盐学报,2014,42(6):768-772(EI收录) 8. 赵谨,王战民,曹喜营.耐火浇注料透气性研究现状.耐火材料,2014,48(2):149-254 9. Wang Zhanmin, Cao Xiying, Zhang Sanhua, et al. Status and Progress of Refractories for Aluminum Smelting Furnace. China’s Refractories, 2014, 23(1): 1-10 10. 王战民,曹喜营,张三华,等.铝熔炼炉用耐火材料的现状与发展.耐火材料,2014,48(1):1-8 11. 王战民,赵谨,曹喜营,等.致密耐火浇注料快速烘烤致爆裂的研究方法.第十一届工程陶瓷学术会议论文,武汉,2013 12. Zhanmin Wang, Shouye Wang, Zi Li, et al. Influence of Bonding Methods on Properties of Alumina Based Castables Without Microsilica Addition. Proceedings of UNITECR, Victoria, Canada, 2013, Sept. 10-13 13. 黄育飞,王战民,曹喜营,等.结合方式和试样尺寸对矾土基浇注料受热爆裂性能的影响.耐火材料,2012,46(2):111-113 14. Zhanmin Wang, Xiying Cao, Shaofei Li, et al. Influence of flocculants on rheological behaviour of Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C shotcreting castables, Interceram, 2012, 61(1-2): 22-25(EI收录) 15. 王战民,曹喜营,王守业,等.不定形耐火材料流变性研究新进展.耐火材料,2012,46(1):1-8 16. 王战民,李少飞,周丽红,等.Al2O3-SiC-SiO2-C自流浇注料流变行为的研究.稀有金属材料与工程(Rare Metal Materials and Engineering),2011,40(增刊1):166-169(SCI收录) 17. Zhanmin Wang, Xiying Cao, Huiying Shi, et al. Monolithic refractories in casting house of blast furnace. Proceedings of IREFCON10(The 8th India International Refractories Congress 2010), Kolkata, India, 2010, Feb. 4-6, 249-258 18. 曹喜营,王战民,陈卢,等.刚玉质自流浇注料流变性和流动性的关系.北京科技大学学报,2010,32(2):239-244 19. 王战民,陈卢,曹喜营,等.刚玉质自流浇注料流变性和流动性关系.耐火材料,2009,43(6):405-408 20. Zhanmin Wang, Lihong Zhou, Xiying Cao, et al. Rheological behaviour of matrix suspensions of bauxite based Al2O3-SiO2 castables. Proceedings of UNITECR, Salvador, Brazil, 2009, Oct. 13-16 21. 王战民,姜东梅,曹喜营,等.纳米SiC对A12O3-SiC-C质浇注料性能的影响.稀有金属材料与工程(Rare Metal Materials and Engineering),2009,38(增刊2):1263-1268(SCI收录) 22. Xu Yuanchao, Wang Zhanmin, Cao Xiying. Zeta potential and rheological behaviour of ULC castables matrix. China’s Refractories, 2008, 17(2): 12-15 23. Zhanmin Wang, Xiying Cao, Qiang Wang. Effect of aluminium addition on properties of Al2O3-SiC-C dry ramming mixes for BF trough. Proceedings of UNITECR, Dresden, Germany, 2007, Sept. 18-21, 144-147 24. 王战民,姜东梅,曹喜营,等.纳米Al2O3对Al2O3-SiC-C浇注料性能的影响.稀有金属材料与工程(Rare Metal Materials and Engineering),2008,37(增刊1):560-564(SCI收录) 25. Wang Zhanmin, Zhang Sanhua, Cao Xiying, et al. Flowability and flocculation of wet shotcreting castables with different additives. Proceedings of UNITECR, USA, Orlando, 2005, Nov.(EI收录) 26. Wang Zhanmin, He Xia, Zhou Ningsheng, et al. Monolithic refractories in casting house of blast furnace. China’s Refractories, 2000, 9(4): 6-17 27. Wang Zhanmin, Zhang Sanhua, Zhu Cunliang, et al. Comparison of different grades of microsilica and their influence on properties of self-flow mullite castable. Proceedings of International Symposium on Refractocries, Nov. 12-14, 1996, Haikou, 465-472 28. Wang Zhanmin, Li Zaigeng, Zhou Ningsheng. Monolithic refractories for BF troughs. Proceedings of The 2nd International Workshop on Technology & Development of Refractories, May 5,1996, Luoyang,75-95 29. 王战民,李再耕.高炉出铁沟用耐火材料的发展.耐火材料,1996,30(2):109 30. 王战民,何 霞,李再耕.添加晶体纤维改善耐火浇注料的性能.耐火材料,1995,29(6):311-313 31. 王战民,王守业,李再耕.Al2O3-SiC-C质浇注料抗热震性和抗渣铁侵蚀性的研究.耐火材料,1995,29(1):16-18,22 32. 靳正国,王战民,徐明霞,等.热处理和低温深冷处理改善ZTM陶瓷力学性能的研究.硅酸盐学报,1992,20(1):8-15(SCI收录) 33. 王战民,袁启明.Ce-TZP对水解沉淀法合成莫来石陶瓷增韧机理的初步研究.无机材料学报,1992,7(4):418-422(SCI收录) |