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2020-4-3 15:18:25





5、Qingdong Hou, Xudong Luo, Zhipeng Xie, Di An, Zhang Xiaofang, Zijun Peng,Effect of magnesia-alumina spinel precursor sol on the sintering property of fused magnesia refractory. Ceramics International.2019:45(3).3459-3464.

6、Zijun Penguin, Xudong Luo, Zhipeng Xie, Di An. Effect of print path process on sintering behavior and thermal shock resistance of Al2O3 ceramics fabricated by 3D inkjet-printing. Ceramics International.2018:44(14).16766-16772.

7、Pengfei Wang, Xudong Luo, Sai Wei, Zhipeng Xie, Jialin Sun. Dense mullite ceramic sintered by SPS and its behavior under thermal shock. Refractories and industrial ceramics.2018:59(1).1-5.

8、Mengmeng Yang, Xudong Luo, Jian Yi, Min Yu, Xiaofang Zhang. A novel way to fabricate fibrous mullite ceramic using sol-gel vacuum impregnation. Ceramics International.2018:44(11). 742-747.

9、Meiting Li, Xudong Luo, Guodong Zhang, Zhipeng Xie, Lin Zhao, Huigang Jin. Effects of blowing-agent addition on the structure and properties of magnesia porous material. Refractories and industrial ceramics.2017:58(1).60-64.

10、Dong Feng, Xudong Luo, Guodong Zhang, Zhipeng Xie. Effect of molar ratios of MgO/Al2O3 on the sintering behavior and thermal shock resistance of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2composite ceramics. Materials Chemistry and Physics.2017:185(1).1-5.

11、Meiting Li, Ningning Zhou, Xudong Luo, Guodong Zhang, Zhipeng Xie, Linchong Xu, Pengcheng Liu. Effects of doping Al2O3/2SiO2 on the structure and properties of magnesium matrix ceramic. Materials Chemistry and Physics.2016:175.6-12.

12、Meiting Li, Ningning Zhou, Xudong Luo, Guodong Zhang, Linchong Xu, Pengcheng Liu.Macroporous MgO monoliths prepared by sol-gel process with phase separation. Ceramics International.2016:42(14). 16368-6373.

13、Xudong Luo, Zhipeng Xie, Lijun Zheng, Kaiji He,Meiting Li. Effect of Cr2O3/Fe2O3on the Property of Aluminum Titanate. Refractories and industrial ceramics.2015:56(14). 337-343.

14、Di An, Hezhen Li, Zhipeng Xie, Tianbin Zhu, Xudong Luo, Zhijian Shen, Jing Ma. Additive manufacturing and characterization of complex Al2O3 parts based on a novel stereolithography method. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.2017:14(5).836-844.

15、侯庆冬,罗旭东,谢志鹏,李振. 镁橄榄石前驱体溶胶结合电熔镁砂基耐火材料基质的烧结性能. 耐火材料,2018,52(6):426-429.

16、侯庆冬,罗旭东,谢志鹏,于忞,杨孟孟. 莫来石溶胶添加量对刚玉质浇注料性能的影响. 机械工程材料,2018,42(6):83-86.

17、侯庆冬,罗旭东. 莫来石溶胶制备及高铝耐火材料性能影响. 硅酸盐通报,2018,37(5) 1662-1666,1674.

18、彭子钧,罗旭东,谢志鹏. 陶瓷3D打印模型设计技术回顾与展望. 陶瓷学报,2018,39(2):127-131.

19、彭子钧,罗旭东,于忞,谢志鹏. Al2O3和TiO2添加量对共沉淀法制备MgO基陶瓷性能的影响. 机械工程材料,2018,42(4):35-39.

20、杨孟孟,罗旭东,安迪,谢志鹏,冯东,于忞. 碳纤维添加量对MgO-ZrO2陶瓷热震性能和烧结性能的影响. 机械工程学报,2018,42(4):58-61.

21、安迪,罗旭东,刘鹏程,谢志鹏,李婷. Y2O3掺杂对CaTiO3陶瓷烧结性能和微观结构的影响. 机械工程学报,2018,42(4):53-57.

22、安迪,罗旭东,刘鹏程,谢志鹏,李婷. Er2O3掺杂及煅烧温度对CaTiO3陶瓷结构的影响. 耐火材料,2018,52(1):1-5.

23、杨孟孟,罗旭东,谢志鹏,于 忞,张晓芳. AlF3含量对莫来石多孔陶瓷显微结构和强度的影响. 陶瓷学报,2019,40(2):181-185.

24、冯东,姜岩,茹红强,罗旭东,张国栋,曹一伟. 纳米-Al2O3/SiO2加入量对MgO-Al2O3-SiO2复相陶瓷烧结机理影响. 材料导报B:研究篇,2018,32(12):4248-4252.

25、彭子均,安迪,罗旭东,张国栋,谢志鹏. ZrO2纤维加入量对莫来石-10%vol.SiC晶须复合材料机械性能和抗热震稳定性的影响. 陶瓷学报,2017,38(5):706-710.

26、杨孟孟,罗旭东,谢志鹏. SiC晶须加入量对ZrO2-莫来石陶瓷机械性能及抗热震性能的影响. 陶瓷学报,2017,38(3):361-365.

27、安迪,罗旭东,谢志鹏,李婷,刘鹏程. CeO2对CaTiO3陶瓷烧结性能以及微观结构的影响. 人工晶体学报,2017,46(3):480-485.

28、于忞,罗旭东,张国栋,谢志鹏. La2O3对氧化镁陶瓷烧结性能与抗热震性能的影响. 人工晶体学报,2016,45(9):2251-2256.

29、李美葶,罗旭东,张国栋,谢志鹏,李继光,杜健. 发泡法和溶胶-凝胶法制备镁质多孔材料的结构及性能研究. 无机盐工业,2017,49(1):19-21, 55.

30、于忞,罗旭东. TiO2表面包覆对氧化镁陶瓷烧结性能及抗热震性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程,2018,47(S1):263-268.

31、Min Yu, Xudong Luo, Guodong Zhang, Zhipeng Xie. Effect of Al2O3 on sintering properties and thermal shock properties of MgO ceramic. 人工晶体学报,2017,46(3):507-513.