发表作品2020-6-17 16:51:19 |
1. GUO, Z. Q. and MA,Y., Bonding Mechanisms of Basic Refractories for RH Snorkels,Proceedings of UNITECR 2019, Yokohama, Japan, 13-16 October, 2019. 2. Zongqi Guo, Ying Ma, Rainer Neuboeck and Andreas Koeck: Thermal Evolution of Al-Containing Magnesia Refractory for RH Snorkels, China’s Refractories, 2019, 28(1): 1-6. 3. GUO, Z. Q. and NIEVOLL, J., An Overview of Magnesia-Hercynite Refractoriesfor Cement Rotary Kilns, International Symposium on Refractories, Beijing, 2007. 4. GUO, Z. Q., PALCO, S., and RIGAUD, M., Reaction Characteristics of Magnesia-Spinel Refractories with Cement Clinker. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 2005, 2(4), 327-335. 5. GUO, Z. Q., PALCO, S., and RIGAUD, M., Reactivity of Cement Clinker onDoloma Refractories. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2005, 88(6), 1481-1487. 6. GUO, Z. Q., Coal Slag Attack----a Review, China’s Refractories, 2004, 13(3), 3-9. 7. GUO, Z. Q. and WANG, X. B., Refractories Utilization in Slagging Gasifiers. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Advances in Refractories for the Metallurgical Industries, The COM 2004 -- 43rd Conference of Metallurgists, Edited by Michel Rigaud, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, August 22 – 25, 2004, pp. 771-781. 8. GUO, Z. Q., Refractories for Gasifiers, Internet Publication of the Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull., www.ceramicbulletin.org, 2004, 83[6] 9101-9108. 9. GUO, Z. Q., Technical Progress in Basic Refractories for Cement Rotary Kilns. Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, 2003, 23(4), 218-225. 10. GUO, Z. Q. and RIGAUD, M., Adherence Mechanism of Cement Clinker on Basic Refractories. China’s Refractories, 2002, 11(4), 9-16. 11. GUO, Z. Q., Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasifiers. Refractories Engineers, September 2002, 10-13. 12. CHERIF, K., PALCO, S., GUO, Z. Q. and RIGAUD, M., Alkalies and Cement Clinker Reactions on Basic Refractories. Euro Ceramics VII, Proceedings of 7th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Key Engineering Materials, Brugge, Belgium, Sept. 9-13, 2001, Vol. 206-213, pp.1647-1650, Editors: C. Kermel, V. Lardot, D. Libert and I. Urbain© 2002 Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland. 13. GUO, Z. Q., and RIGAUD, M., On the Measurement of Clinker's adherence on Refractories. China’s Refractories, 2001, 10(4), 10-20. 14. RIGAUD, M., GUO, Z. Q. and PALCO, S., Coating Formation on Basic Bricks for Rotary Cement Kilns. Proceedings of XXIX CONGRESO ALAFAR 2000, Pucón, Chile, December 5-7, 2000. 15. GUO, Z. Q., KOVAC, V. and RIGAUD, M., A Sandwich Method to Measure Adherence of Coating on Refractories. The 98th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Ceramic Society, Montreal, Canada, February 20-22, 2000. 16. RIGAUD, M., GUO, Z. Q., HE, H. Q. and KOVAC, V, Coatability, Adherence and Refractories Evaluation: C.A.R.E. Proceedings of Unitecr′s 99, Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 1999, 216-218. 17. GUO, Z. Q., and RIGAUD, M., Adherence of Cement Clinker on Basic Refractories. Refractory Ceramics Division, American Ceramic Society 101st Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA, April 25-28, 1999. 18. GUO, Z. Q. and ZHANG, H., The Optimization of the Microstructure and Phase Assemblage of High Chromia Refractories. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 1999, 19(1), 113-117. 19. GUO, Z. Q., HAN, B. Q. and DONG, H., Effect of Coal Slag on the Wear Rate and Microstructure of the ZrO2-Bearing Chromia Refractories. Ceramics International, 1997, 23(6), 489-496. 20. GUO, Z. Q. and ZHANG, H., Investigation and Application of Cr2O3-Al2O3-ZrO2Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasifiers. China' s Refractories, 1997, 6(4), 18-22. 21. CHEN, J. H. and GUO, Z. Q., Production of Bauxite-Based Spinel Clinker. Silicates Industriels, 1997, 62(9-10), 163-167. 22. SHI, K. and GUO, Z. Q., Investigation on Al2O3-Spinel-C Bricks for Ladle, China' s Refractories, 1997, 6(3), 27-29. 23. GUO, Z. Q. and ZHANG, H. D., Application of Refractories in Chemical and Petrochemical Industries. China' s Refractories, 1997, 6(1), 27-33. 24. GUO, Z. Q., LI, F. Q. and ZHANG, D. L., Investigation on Picrochromite Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasifiers. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Refractories, ed. N. Li and X. Chong, Haikou, China, 12-15 November, 1996, 375-381. 25. GUO, Z. Q., PING, Z. F. and CHEN, N., Production and Properties of Cr2O3 Raw Material for Refractories. Industrial Ceramics, 1996, 16(3), 172-176. 26. GUO, Z. Q., Progress in Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasifiers. Industrial Ceramics, 1994, 14(1), 7-12. 27. GUO, Z. Q., ZHANG, L. H., REN, X. X. and GAO, X. X., Preparation and Refractories Properties of Picrochromite Grain. China' s Refractories, 1993, 2(1), 31-37. 28. GUO, Z. Q., ZHU, Y. S. and LI, F. Q., Cr2O3-Al2O3-ZrO2 System Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasifiers. China' s Refractories, 1993, 2(3), 34-38. 29. GUO, Z. Q., Corrosion Resistance of High-Chromia Refractories Exposed to Molten Acidic Coal-Ash. Interceram, 1993, 42(4), 211-216. 30. GUO, Z. Q., HUANG, Y. Y. and YAN, Y. F., Cr2O3-Containing Corundum-Based Castables. Refractories, 1997, 31(6), 325-328. 31. GUO, Z. Q. and ZHANG, H. D., Progress of Refractories for Chemical Industry in China during the Last Decade. Presented in 97' Annual Conference of ChineseCeramic Society, Baotao, China, September 20, 1997. 32. GUO, Z. Q., Lining Structure and Materials of Texaco Coal Gasifiers. Coal Chemical Engineering, 1997, (3), 57-62. 33. GUO, Z. Q., Coal Gasifications with High Temperature and High Pressure and Their Requirements for Refractories. Presented in Texaco Coal Gasification Conference, Weinan, China, September 17, 1997. 34. GUO, Z. Q., Application of Cr2O3-Al2O3-ZrO2 Refractories. Chemical Fertiliser Engineering, 1997, 24(5), 13-18. 35. GUO, Z. Q., Development and Application of Forsterite Refractories. Refractories, 1994, 28(6), 357-360. 36. PING, Z. F. and GUO, Z. Q., Development and Application of Serpentine as Raw Material of Forsterite Refractories. Henan Metallurgy, 1994, (3), 8-11. 37. GUO, Z. Q., Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Al2O3-Cr2O3 Refractories. Shanghai Ceramics, 1993, (1), 33-38. 38. GUO, Z. Q., Development and Application Status of Refractories for Slagging Coal Gasification. Coal Chemical Engineering, 1992, (2), 7-14. 39. GUO, Z. Q., LI, F. Q. and PENG, M., Effect of Composition and Texture of High Purity MgO-Cr2O3 Materials on Penetration of Molten Coal Slag. Materials Science Progress, 1991, 5(6), 508-512. 40. GUO, Z. Q., HUANG, Z. H., SONG, X. W., YANG, X. H. and XU, W. Z., Sintering Characteristics of Bauxite with High Titania Content. Refractories, 1991, 25(1), 11-14. 41. GUO, Z. Q., Behaviour of Coal-Ash Slag and Refractories in Coal Gasification Environments: I. Typical Properties of Coal-Ash Slag at High Temperature. Bulletinof Chinese Ceramic Society, 1991, 10(6), 16-20. 42. GUO, Z. Q., Behaviour of Coal-Ash Slag and Refractories in Coal Gasification Environments: II. Phase Equilibrium Relations between Coal-Ash Slag and Refractories. Bulletin of Chinese Ceramic Society, 1992, 11(3), 9-14. 43. ZHU, Y. S., GUO, Z. Q. and LI, F. Q., Prospects of the Refractories Made in China for Coal-Water-Slurry Gasifiers Operated at Elevated Pressure. Coal ChemicalEngineering, 1991, (2), 14-18. 44. GUO, Z. Q. and CHEN, J. L., Alumina-Chrome Refractories Practice in Coal-Water-Slurry Gasifiers with Water-Cooling Lining. Refractories, 1991, 25(6), 340-342. 45. GUO, Z. Q., High Temperature Properties of MgCr2O4 Refractories. Bulletin of Chinese Ceramic Society, 1990, 9(1), 21-27. 46. GUO, Z. Q., Corrosion of Molten Coal Slag to Chromia-Containing Refractories, Materials Science Progress, 1990, 4(1), 64-70. 47. GUO, Z. Q., Effect of Coal Gasification Atmospheres on Refractories. Coal Chemical Engineering, 1989, (4), 4-11. 48. GUO, Z. Q., Laboratory Slag Test of Refractory Corrosion. Refractories, 1989, 23(2), 55-60. 49. GUO, Z. Q., Effect of Oil-Ash on Service Life of Refractory Lining for Oil Gasifiers. Fertiliser and Catalysis, 1989, (1), 45-48. 50. GUO, Z. Q., Design Problems for the Refractory Lining of Slagging Coal Gasifiers. Coal Chemical Engineering, 1988, (2), 15-19. 51. GUO, Z. Q., Refractory Materials for Petrochemical Industry. Modern Chemical Engineering, 1988, 8(2), 20-24. 52. GUO, Z. Q., Development of Coal Gasification Technology and Its Refractories. Chemical Fertiliser Engineering, 1987, (3), 38-41. |